Perfect your Algebra!

6th Year Higher Level FAST Paced Course - Term 1


Author : Stephen King

14 engaging lessons (7 Core Grinds + 7 Bonus  Exam Lessons) from term 1 of the 6th year higher level fast paced course; comprising of recorded grinds, related worksheets with solutions, video solutions to related exam questions, solutions to homework questions, exams questions practice.

Lesson contents and topics in list below.

This is a challenging course, and is designed for 6th year higher level students, who are aiming for a H1-H3 grade in the Leaving Cert Higher Level Mathematics exam.

Access to the classes and resources can be found in the My Courses section, after purchase.


Lessons breakdown

Lesson 1:
Revision of Algebra – Manipulating Fractions, Expressions vs Equations, Surd Equation, Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations, Factor Theorem.
Lesson 2:
Indices and Logs
Lesson 3:
Revision of Algebra – Factor Theorem 2, Quadratic/Rational/Modulus Inequalities, Completing the square.
Lesson 4:
Problem solving with Algebra.
Lesson 5:
Problem Solving with Algebra 2.
Lesson 6:
The Exponential Function.
Lesson 7:
Exam Questions.